Community members launch No on Referendum 1 campaign to save Park County Growth Policy!

We’re writing today with an update on the ballot measure to repeal the Park County Growth Policy.

Called Referendum 1, the question will be on the June 4th primary election ballot. If approved, it would eliminate the Park County Growth Policy, handing over our future to developers, with no regard for our wildlife, clean air and water, and quality of life. 

This is a serious threat to Park County. Without a growth policy, we have no say over how and where Park County grows. Unless we stop it, Referendum 1 will mean more traffic, more sprawling subdivisions and luxury development, less wildlife habitat, and fewer homes that people who actually live and work here can afford.

Members of our community who recognize this threat and want to stop it have created an official ballot committee: No on Referendum 1. 

No On Referendum 1 is a community-led ballot committee working to maintain our local vision and stop the repeal of the growth policy. We joined them at their campaign launch yesterday at the County building to announce the effort. You can read coverage of that here. 

Want to learn more about this important issue? Can you help us spread the word? Check out the website: to learn more and get involved. From there, you can sign up to volunteer, get on their email list to learn more and even donate money. 

Support No on Ref 1 here!

Like many of you, we participated in the community meetings back in 2017 that informed our current county growth policy. We encouraged folks to get involved.

The truth is, “The world is run by those who show up.”

And you did, late into the evenings, standing up in a packed courthouse and testifying for what you believe in. More than 800 of us commented, agreeing and disagreeing and ultimately we finalized the 2017 Park County Growth Policy – a shared plan to guide future growth and development. 

Turns out, people in Park County have a lot of shared values. Most people want to protect the river, wildlife, working lands, and the ability to have a voice in shaping Park County’s future. Neighbors were willing to show up and share their perspectives. The growth policy is a necessary document to help unite our community with a shared vision in the face of rapid growth and change.

Referendum 1 would eliminate this shared vision and plan for the future. 

PCEC is proud to work alongside these community members to  ask residents to vote No on Referendum 1.

Erica Lighthiser