Searching for a last-minute gift that will last for generations?

Season’s Greetings from your friends at PCEC and the Livingston Loves Trees team!

Here at PCEC, we love our community trees. Whether they’re lit up with lights or quietly providing habitat and shelter, we’re grateful for our trees year-round. We launched Livingston Loves Trees in 2021 to help improve the equity, resiliency, and engagement of all people in planning and caring for our local community trees. 

Are you interested in helping your community forest this holiday season? Here are three things you can do today:

1. Plant it Forward: donate a tree to your community!

Searching for a last-minute gift that will last for generations? 

Why not show your appreciation for someone by donating a tree on their behalf? For $500, you can "Plant it Forward" and pay for a tree to be planted in our community in 2024! Livingston Loves Trees will be planting another 100 residential trees in 2024 and we are about half way to our fundraising goal.

This year, give back to your neighborhood by giving the gift of shade, shelter and sanctuary. Consider it a gift that will grace our town for generations to come. Click here to donate a tree!

It’s the perfect gift, no wrapping or hiding required!

You may give to the restricted Tree Fund in any amount. All donations are appreciated!

2. Give your trees and shrubs a drink

With the windy, warm weather it might be a good time to water your trees. A common misconception among Montana gardeners is that plants do not need water in winter. All plants, including perennials and especially evergreens, lose moisture through winter via transpiration. So when the ground is not frozen and the weather is mild and dry like it is today, give your trees a nice drink. About 20 gallons once a month or so is usually adequate. If your outdoor spigots are winterized like ours, we recommend filling up a 5 gallon bucket in the house.

For more information about winter tree care, here’s a handy self-learning guide produced by Montana State University’s Extension Office.

3. Adopt a new tree in your neighborhood 

Have an empty spot on your boulevard, front yard or in a public space in your neighborhood that could use a tree? If you agree to water and care for it, PCEC will plant a large ball and burlap Livingston-hardy deciduous tree for you for free – a more than $500 value. We just need your help to know where they’re most wanted and needed! 

Maples, hawthorns, bur oaks, lindens, honey locusts, flowering crabapples and more are given away on a first-come, first serve basis, so apply soon to be considered. Or, recommend Livingston Loves Trees to friends and neighbors! We plant the trees in parks, boulevards and front yards where they can be enjoyed by everyone. Priority will be given to neighborhoods lacking tree cover.

Erica Lighthiser